Sunday, August 25, 2013

Using our Listening Ears

This week we talked about the importance of listening! We practiced listening to Mrs. Clark, our partner, and the speaker. We learned that we listen with our ears, our eyes, and our brains. It was great to see the kiddos listening and responding to their classmates' stories and opinions. We also discussed the difference between a question and a comment (holy moly is this a hard concept for a five year old!). After some practice, the class came up with some GREAT questions to ask each other. We even had a little debate because some students thought some questions weren't "deep" enough.....WOW! We did an oral listening activity to practice our listening ears, and the kiddos that followed the correct steps were able to choose a treasure box item!

We started by reading one of my favorite stories, The Interrupting Chicken. They LOVED it! It was a great lesson on why we don't want to interrupt others and their thinking.

Our listening ears :)

We had to create our creature by listening to directions! This was a great way for me to assess positional terms, too!

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