Sunday, August 25, 2013

Our First Week of Kindergarten

WHEW! What a week....After I had the chance to soak my feet, do some laundry, and just breathe for a little bit, I realized we had a GREAT first week of school!
The first week of kindergarten is always interesting and very eye opening. It was easy to forget how much the children grow in one year, and our minds still remember our previous kindergarten babies we left in May. However, when the twenty 5 year old kiddos walked through the door, I was reminded of how far they will eventually come this year. It is exciting, motivating, and the reason I love my job!

I took a few snapshots of some of the activities we did this week. We had a lot of time to get to know each other and practice routines/procedures. I loved getting to know the students and just enjoying their company. We have a great class!!

Annabel and Tyler practicing the 3 ways to read a book

Austin T. and Shayton practicing their counting collections

Bryundra and Phoenyx counting and sorting shapes

Malachi lost a tooth the first week of school!

Riley enjoying her book

Peyton is ready to go! 

Spencer is excited about his first day!

Austin, Navan, and Shayton practicing the 3 ways we read a book! 

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