Sunday, August 25, 2013

How I Spent My Summer Vacation

This week we began our Writer's Workshop (probably my favorite part of each day)! Now, I know what you're thinking....kindergartners can't write!! Oh, yes they can! Story telling is more than writing words, and right now we are focusing on telling a story through our illustrations.  We discussed the importance of adding DETAILS (yes, ask your child about that word) to our illustrations in order to better tell our story. I challenged the students to label their pictures if they thought they could. I had several kiddos put a single letter to represent their word....AMAZING!! That is the first step in the writing process.

We began by reading the story How I Spent My Summer Vacation (sorry, I forgot to take a pic), and the students had to draw/write a story about their summer vacation. They did an excellent job of adding details and describing their stories. We had lots of giggles during share time!! I wish I had a video of Austin J. using the microphone for the first time. Here are some of our stories...
Kylah used Mrs. Clark's beach story to inspire her dolphins and sting rays. She also wrote "beach" and "family". WOW!

Riley also used Mrs. Clark's beach story to inspire her illustration and wrote "love you" when describing her family.

Annabel had great details about her family vacation to the beach. 

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