Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sight Words and Shapes, Oh My!

I am so sorry I haven't updated the blog since our first week together! Life has been super crazy! The past few times I have sat down to blog, the pictures kept uploading side ways so I would finally give up. However, I researched the problem and FINALLY figured it out! WHEW! I feel as if I have so much to catch you up on, but that seems to be an impossible task. I cannot wait to meet with all of you in October for parent-teacher conferences. The kiddos have grown SO much already! Here are some of the things I have remembered to take pictures of. ;)
We have been playing lots of games with our sight words! Sight words seem challenging at this point, but it certainly helps to get these simple words under our belts! We have to "sight word slap" as we leave the classroom.
 I'm sure your child has mentioned our "bucket filling" behavior system we have implemented at school. Hopefully, they are trying to fill your buckets at home! We read the story, Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, by Carol McCloud. It is such a great book for children, and the kiddos were really taken by it. Every morning we tell ourselves that WE WILL fill someone's bucket today! We want to be bucket fillers and not bucket dippers!!

I highly recommend this story to all teachers and parents!

We are bucket fillers! When someone says their bucket has been filled by another, they may reward that friend by giving them a popsicle stick in their own "bucket". When a child has filled 10 buckets, they will get a treasure box item.

I hope all of you are understanding our "clip up/clip down" system. This is what our classroom behavior chart looks like. We start on green each day and have the opportunity to clip up or down throughout the day depending on our choices. We have had a few students clip OFF the chart for showing great character traits and for making outstanding choices. Their pictures are on the "I Clipped Off the Chart" bulletin board in the front of our school!
 Shapes, Shapes, Shapes! We have had fun learning and reviewing our 2D shapes. We will begin building and sorting shapes this week. We will be concentrating on the sides and vertices of each shape. YES, your child will know what a vertex is! WOW!

We practiced making angry birds and counting the shapes we used!

They turned out so cute!



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