Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sight Word Workers

It is sight-word crunch time!! Now that we are reading independently each day, it is crucial that the kiddos can quickly identify sight words in their books. In order to memorize these words, we do a lot of activities so the kids can internalize these words. We always start the week with an emergent reader. These readers tend to be easier so we can focus on implementing our reading strategies, identifying punctuation/sight words, and reading fluently!! It also builds their confidence because they are EXPERT readers by the end of the week. ;)

Here was our emergent reader this week. This student highlighted the sight words and the "chunks" he found all by himself!!
"ow" is the chunk! He used the Chunky Monkey reading strategy.
We are still problem solving each day. We hadn't solved a repeated addition/multiplication problem in a while so I decided to throw it out there. They did great and used several different strategies! We bragged on Annabel and  Peyton for having the most advanced and efficient counting strategies.  They both visualized the groups and counted by fives!                                                    

What can you practice at home? The kiddos need need to know the 5 and 10 facts. What does that mean?? Basically, it means they need to memorize the ways to make 5 and 10. This allows them to fluently solve problems and build bigger numbers using 5 and 10 like we adults do.

 How can you do this?
* Flash cards
* Practice facts in the car
* Take 5/10 items and separate. Write the math sentence that matches.
* Computer fact games (there are a ton out there!)

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